HAPC fully supports the ministry of several Gospel For Asia missionaries and their families.
To find out more about GFA, press the graphic below.

How Gospel for Asia Works

The purpose of Gospel for Asia is to support the work of native missionaries.

These frontline evangelists, Bible women, and church planters are fully qualified and carefully chosen with the help of godly, Bible-believing native mission leaders. Their work is totally indigenous and not tied to any Western church or denomination.

When we send our support for our missionaries, Gospel for Asia forwards it to the field office in the nations where the missionaries is serving. The money is then exchanged for local currency and sent to the leader under whom the missionary is serving who dispenses it to the native missionary.

In this way, the support comes to each native missionary from within their own country. This procedure helps protect the missionaries from being accused of working for a foreign organization, which could severely hinder their work.

For this same reason, and because most native missionaries do not speak English, they are unable to communicate directly with us. We do, however, receive reports from the field through the GFA bimonthly SEND newspaper, other GFA publications and individual missionary updates. These updates are included on each missionary's web page.

The Impact of Supporting Native Missionaries

Each year missionaries supported by Gospel for Asia plant thousands of churches and lead hundreds of thousands of precious Asian people to the Lord. Through them, Asia has one of the fastest growing bodies of believers in the world.

Our partnership with our native missionaries will affect thousands of lives each year and enables us to do our part to help fulfill the Creat Commission.

Commitment To Prayer

Native missionaries desperately need our prayers. Asia has long been a stronghold of Satan and native missionaries constantly battle attacks through discouragement, illness and actual physical harm from anti-Christian forces.

The purpose of this page is not to boast about our sponsorship, but to make others aware of the ministries of our missionaries and to encourage prayer support.

Prayer is an absolute necessity to protect native misssionaries and to insure the fruitfulness of their work. Please join us in praying for our native missionaries.   You can find out specific information about each and their prayer concerns using the map above.